In order to comply with environmental standards, enterprises are required to carry out flue gas cleaning. Such requirements are imposed on enterprises of the oil-making, flour-grinding industry, waste treatment plants, boiler houses, and so on. For this, various methods are used. However, they are all implemented in similar filtering systems. Order filtration systems can be in the company. In this case, the technology of dry flue gas cleaning, homogeneous flue gas cleaning, and other methods can be implemented.
Flue gas cleaning at enterprises – types
As stated above, several cleaning techniques are used. They should be described in more detail:
Wet cleaning of flue gases makes it possible to very effectively delay solid inclusions and prevent them from entering the environment;
Purification of flue gases from thermal power plants using lime is a safe and inexpensive way. The specified flue gas cleaning of thermal power plants using lime makes it possible to trap dust and ash;
Steam flue gas cleaning is similar to flue gas cleaning with water. The presented technology is economical because it requires very little electrical energy;
Purification of flue gases with a membrane element means mechanical trapping of solid particles with a special membrane that allows only the products of fuel processing to pass through;
Plasma flue gas cleaning and catalytic flue gas cleaning is suitable for large enterprises. Such systems do an excellent job with intense load.
In addition, the flue gas is treated by GRES silica, amine flue gas cleaning. For example, the above flue gas cleaning with lime or any other method will be about equally effective. The choice of a technology depends on the features of the object itself and the amount of emissions.
What is the advantage of the company’s offers
It is necessary to indicate that the application of a particular method is determined solely individually. The project is drawn up taking into account the fuel on which the production operates, taking into account its capacity and location. Therefore, the designers in each case select the best option.
Customers are explained the pros and cons of each of them in relation to the specifics of the enterprise. At the same time, the project is made by the company’s specialists, and the production of the system takes place in-house.
After the production of equipment, it is delivered to the customer and the company masters assemble and run it. If necessary, customers can always seek advice and information.