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Flue gas cleaning at enterprises

Purification of flue gases at TPPs, as well as purification of flue gases of a boiler house is necessary to reduce the level of harmful emissions into the environment. If the permissible limit of such emissions is exceeded, the operation of the enterprise may be suspended indefinitely. Therefore, cleaning the flue gases of thermal power plants and cleaning the flue gases of a low-power boiler house is a matter of permitting an enterprise to work. To order a flue gas cleaning system in the industrial power industry is possible in the company.

Flue gas cleaning of enterprises – features

Cleaning of the flue gases of industrial enterprises is carried out by the work of unique filtration systems. They allow to remove dust and other potentially dangerous inclusions from emissions.
The direct flue gas cleaning of the coal boiler house, as well as the flue gas cleaning of open-hearth furnaces, is carried out with the help of a sorbent. These elements have the ability to absorb hazardous inclusions. At the same time, the system consists of bag-type filters that trap ash, dust and other solid components.

As a result, the cleaning of the flue gases of enterprises, the cleaning of the flue gases of the boiler house on fuel oil allows to reduce the amount of harmful emissions and to avoid claims from regulatory authorities.

Flue gas cleaning of thermal power plants – equipment advantages

The equipment provided by the company allows the cleaning of the flue gases of steam power units, the cleaning of flue gases during coal combustion, and the cleaning of flue gases of thermal power plants operating on slate from solid particles. The advantages of this equipment should be described in more detail:
It can be used in various enterprises. For example, cleaning of flue gases of thermal power plants, cleaning of flue gases in a boiler room, as well as complex cleaning of flue gases in heat generating plants is carried out. Equipment is widely used in waste incineration plants, flour processing plants, oil manufacturing plants, and so on;
Purification of flue gases at CHP and other facilities will not require large expenditures of electrical energy. The equipment is economical;
Equipment efficiency is complemented by ease of care on the filtration system. Particles are cleaned using special electric scrapers that collect such particles and feed them for disposal through a special gateway;
The design of the filter is simple and reliable. Therefore, this equipment is able to work for 15 years or more without complicated repair or replacement;
The system is characterized by high resistance to mechanical and vibration effects.
Thus, thanks to this filter system, the company will be able to meet European environmental standards without large-scale costs.

Benefits of the company’s offer

The wastewater treatment plants presented are collected at the company’s facilities. At the same time, the company’s specialists carry out design work and develop individual solutions for each customer, based on emissions, features of the facility. After that, the company delivers the equipment to the facility and its craftsmen perform the assembly and trial launches of the equipment.
Delivery and assembly are provided regardless of the distance of the object from the place of production. At the same time, the company guarantees any consulting and informational support.

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